La fabricación aditiva, más conocida como impresión 3D, ha revolucionado diversos sectores industriales, incluido el de la aviación y la industria aeroespacial. Estos dos sectores se caracterizan por su precisión...
PLA, ABS and ASA are three of the most commonly used plastics in 3D printing. However, although all three are thermoplastic polymers (they flow when heat is applied) that can be printed more or less easily, they have...
For conformal cooling to be a long-lasting solution, two main objectives must be met: The first is to achieve a high flow volume through all cooling channels. If the flow velocity is reduced in one area, suspended...
Conformal cooling takes a different approach to solving these process challenges. As the name implies, it involves the design of cooling channels that conform to, or are capable of copying, the surface of the mold...